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Helping You Get Well In Body, Soul, and Spirit

Videos, Audios, Podcasts, Downloads, eBooks, Live Sessions, and More To Encourage You In Your Faith


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Helping You Fight

Helping You Receive

Helping You Grow

Imagine a life free of physical pain, disease, emotional wounds, the
freedom to know who you really are, and to do what God has called you to do.



Body Track

"Physical Healing"

In the Body Track we tackle the subject of physical healing through biblical principles and practical knowledge, along with some basics on nutrition and fitness. If you need to get well in your body or help someone else, then this track is for you



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Soul Track

"Emotional Healing"

In the Soul Track we cover the mind, will, and emotions. Exploring the subjects that move us from toxic thoughts and emotions, to healthy thinking and healing from emotional wounds. "Crossing2Freedom" Classes by Jan Hicks are offered.



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Spirit Track

"Identity - Who Are You" 

In the Spirit Track we will do an in-depth dive to understand who we really are, why we were created and placed on this earth, and what it means to live in the Spirit. Subjects like Identity, Authority and Spiritual Warfare will be covered.




Fight the good fight of faith...


1 Timothy 6:12 NKJV

Faith Institute Director


From surviving an abortion attempt, being run over by a riding lawn mower at 8 years old, contracting hepatitis in the Philippines on a missions trip at 18 years old, and fighting cancer 5 different times in my life, I understand the fight of faith, how difficult it can be, and we're here to help.


Read My Story

JP Wilson, Pastor

“Lee West’s understanding and teaching in regards to biblical healing will cause every Christian to rise up and enthusiastically embrace the gift Jesus so richly provided for us years ago. Lee’s insights have come through his own personal journey and have been a blessing to the body of Christ for years. ” 

Now Available!

30 Reasons Why You're Healed is a daily devotional to encourage you with how God has provided healing for you.

Every day you will receive strength for your faith walk with included confessions to help you practically know how to pray.

Order A Copy!



All The Tools You Need To Build Your Faith!

Walking by faith is not easy, let us help you fight the good fight of faith.

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“’I believe that God not only heals us of our diseases out of His mighty power and His endless Love, but He also prevents us from being sick as we walk in faith and obedience. Only heaven will reveal the many times that our Heavenly Father’s protective care prevented us, His children, from having accidents or injuries or sickness or disease”

~ Howard Beam, Pastor 

"Through the Faith Institute's teachings on biblical healing, I've witnessed profound spiritual and physical transformations, affirming the timeless power and truth of God's healing grace."

~ Jan Hicks