I was called to ministry at 17 years old and I’ve spent the last 40 years pursuing that call with my wife, mainly in the areas of Pastoral and Missions Ministries.

Physical healing was not a path I choose to study, but something I had to fight for. The physical attacks on my body started early with an abortion attempt that was insisted by my father. More challenges followed as at 8 years old I was run over by a riding lawn mower needing over 100 stitches to keep my foot intact, fell deathly sick with hepatitis in the Philippines when I was 18 years old on a missions trip, and fighting cancer 5 different times.

The fight of faith for physical healing found me, and if I wanted to live, I knew I needed to figure something out biblically.




The turning point for me was during my second melanoma cancer diagnosis when MD Anderson said there was no cure, and that the best outcome I could hope for was a 20% reduction in the tumors I was fighting. This wasn’t good news as I had a tumor in my stomach, on my left adrenal gland, and they said there were spots on my lungs.

I had already lost my right eye to the first cancer, and this was a much more difficult diagnosis.

About 6 months into treatment, which was not working, and I was getting worse, I was in my kitchen and remembered a scripture from Psalm 103:1-5 where God says, “don’t forget my benefits”, and then lists off the benefits as:

  • Forgiveness of all sins

  • Healing of all diseases

  • And, redeeming of our lives from destruction

I knew God couldn’t lie, so I began to thank Him that He had done these things as if they were already completed. Even though I still had tumors in my body I thanked Him that I was healed, and that I was redeemed from destruction.

This was the turning point. Faith was in the unseen and my declaration that I was healed, even though I still had tumors growing in my body was an act of faith that started turning things around.   

Every 3 months I would go for scans and after that moment I had in the kitchen my scans showed the tumors shrinking. I kept declaring that I was healed and thanking the Lord that I was healed. I even changed my prayer from asking the Lord to heal me to thanking the Lord that it was done.

1 year later MD Anderson was amazed at the results. Not only did I get the 20% reduction, but I got a 100% “CR” which meant a Complete Recovery. All tumors had disappeared and there was no sign of cancer anywhere in my body.

I finally understood and experienced 1 Peter 2:24 where Jesus says, “By my stripes you were healed”. The provision of healing was given to us when Jesus took stripes in His body, and if we were healed over 2000 years ago then I could thank Him for it, and consider it a finished work.

There have been additional fights over the years, but the scriptures don’t lie, and there is always a provision for healing for us when we need it.

Now, I am passionate about the promise of healing from the scriptures and desire that everyone sees, hears, and experiences healing from the Lord.

It’s a finished work and we access it only through faith, and faith in Jesus, the one who provided it.

Won’t you join me inside the Faith Institute and let’s experience all that God has for us together.

"Lee has through his faith teaching revealed another tool that God has “already” provided that allows us to defeat the enemy."

~ Karen Osborne

"Having experienced Lee West's biblical teachings on healing while doing ministry together I can say that I haven’t come across anything more practical and helpful. Not only does he stand on the authority of the word as a great teacher, but his own personal journey and testimony with healing. It has equipped me personally and as a pastor to help others walk their journey of healing out having seen much fruit."

~ Daniel McGuire 

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